My 2D1N budget getaway@backpacking to Melaka, the heritage state of Malaysia

hai. i just coming back from Melaka yesterday and cant even touch my laptop to write this 'my very first time travel log'. i was damn tired last night but manage to finished up my 3D puzzle i bought from Jonker Gallery. hahaha. i'm not very good in writing as i'm the one good with talking. but here i'm trying my very best in writing this travel log so that those who wanna get a break somewhere within a budget. P/S: all the pictures here hasil ihsan pak cik google and some of the owner u can see it in the pictures since i cant transfer my pictures. T-T .. oke. lets start.

to Melaka, i just bring rm300. but to my expectation, the cost was less than that. yeayy. quite cheap right. heh. as my friends and I live in Putrajaya, we took a bus (transnasional) to melaka via Putrajaya sentral.( price= RM18.30). not quite recommended as the bus make us change the bus at TBS. better kitorang pegi je TBS naik erl kan. then amik bus dkt sane. and the bus pon not very comfortable. agak sempit. but then, masih oke. harga bas ikut where u guys naik.
my friends and I landed our foot in Melaka around 12.30pm. sampai di Melaka Sentral, dont worry sbb signboard nak pergi mana ke mana for foreigner as well as visitor provided there. u just need to find " terminal bas domestik" to get ur foot completely in melaka. sila ambil bas no 17 ye anak2.
this Bas will bring you to the jonker street, mahkota parade and many more. easy said, around kota bandaraya Melaka. the price differ on the location. to Jonker, the fee was RM1.50. as our stay located at jonker street, we took that 17 bus to jonker street w/o any difficulty alhamdulillah. perut kami semua dah lapar dah since ade yang xmakan since morning but we decided to check in first. oh ya. bas 17 tu akan stop exactly dkt bangunan merah which is in front of the jonker street. ni ha gambar the red building.

sesiapa yang xpernah pergi Melaka akan confused where to go. oke anak2. Jonker street betul2 sblh hard rock cafe. jadi, just search for the Hard Rock cafe and then korang akan jumpe front gate or jonker street.
if blur sangat, tanya je abang2 or pak cik pak cik beca there. but warning. kindy wanna remind u guys. beca there quite expensive. so, if you are within a budget, say no to beca ok.
since we are in a budget, we search for a guesthouse for our stay. and lucky us, we found this lovely guesthouse to stay. named THE JIONG GUESTHOUSE.
this is how the front guesthouse looks like. ade sign The Jiong in front of it. waktu jumpa guesthouse ni, punya lah happy sbb perut lapar, kene jalan jauh ckit pulak tu. hahaha. tapi overall ok sahaja. i reserved the room a week before our departure. so xde la nnt no available room kan. play safe guys. oh. how to get to The jiong house? oh gosh. i forgot. so imma start from the front gate of jonker street. xpe. kalau xpaham, boleh refer to the map i gave under.

oke. from the front gate, u need to take the right route/road. go straight till u find soft crab restaurant. i dont know the exact name of the restaurant but u can go looked at the 'tiang; and u can found 'soft crab' menu on it. if u found it, u can just go straight. since it is already a turn left when u found the menu. just go straight till you can see the guesthouse.a long journey but worth it. make sure to buy  mineral water. hat also if sampai tengahhari macam kami. sampai je guesthouse tu, kitorang disapa mesra oleh owner yang sangat peramah. we pay our stay and been asked to check in at 2pm since itu mmg check in time. (Price per head/dorm room = RM20) confident dtg awal. hahha.  tapi it's ok since we are hungry and we need to eat so boleh letak bag situ and cari makanan.
untuk cari makanan, we need to go back to the jonker street and food hunting there. since mostly and mmg majoriti kedai there owned by chinese, so it is a bit hard to find halal food. but yeah. Baba Nonya ada kan. so we found Baba nonya restaurant named Jonker 88. here the pic.
from front gate tu, just go straight till u found this stall. right in your right. kedai ni mmg famous and on weekend mmg akan beratur orang. so, prepare urself. but sebab getaway kami on weekdays, tak la ramai sangat orang but still ramai oke. u need to take turn to eat. but lucky us, we enter the restaurant and got our seat immediately since the one eating there previously dah habis makan right on time we got our foot inside. haha. blessed much. since hari panas and we are damn need some cooling, we ordered the famous Jonker 88's cendol. here the pic.
look yummy right. hahaha. it is. there is the different taste between baba cendol and the usual cendol in malaysia. this one taste a bit more deep and fats. the santan they used sangat pekat. those yang x suka kelainan akan xsuka this. but i love it. taste different. the last i check the review on the internet, the price was rm2.50. but i think because of the fame they got, the price are more than that. so, the price for this baba cendol was RM4. Dont worry. price ikut portion. portion quite big. so kenyang if minum this cendol only.
for food, i ordered Baba asam laksa. haha. im a laksa lover so i cant missed the new taste of laksa right. so i choose this for my lunch.

the taste was sour and spicy. it is nice! the prawn, fish and the soup it self was delicious. the portion was big so kenyang lah makan ni. macam2 tau side dish inside the baba asam laksa. sangat best. the price for Baba asam laksa = RM7. overall untuk lunch, belanja rm11. kenyang. oh. untuk menu lain. harga lebih kurang je. for drinks, between RM4-5 and for food between RM6-7. definitely a must place to stop if u come to jonker street to eat.
after we had our lunch, we decided to go back to the jiong guesthouse for the check in and wash ourselves since peluh dah memancut kt badan. panas ok melaka that day. hahaha. on our way back, we stopped by at cute  store we saw there. named SAPONE.
I'm the one cant stand with such a cute things. jadinya, masuklah kedai ni. i know they produce soup. but then i didn't know they make it NATURALLY. hoyeah people. eco friendly. which is one of the reason u guys must stopped by. hehe. being me, i cant help myself from looking at all the items sold there and i bought myself one natural hair conditioner.(Price=RM9.90)..oh. the price quite expensive. well, its natural bytheway. so u know how is it.  hahaha.. after the shop, we head back to the jiong. deng deng deng..
we arrived at the jiong and we got room no.3. which is at the top level. the stairs? oh goshh.. tired much. hahahaha.. bagus utk exercise. *thumbs up*

exactly like the picture, we got this room. accom for three person to stay in. air conditioner was ok and so do the house. clean and yay.. friendly owner. the bathroom? it was a shared bathroom. but dont worry. it is clean. just for muslimin dan muslimat. jgn pulak ambil kesempatan mandi sesame even it is a shared bathroom. take turns ok. but since we went there on weekdays, xbanyak org and easy to take a bath.
dah dpt bilik kan. so kitorang rehat2 dlu and segarkan badan.
pukul 3 lbh, we head to bangunan merah and wait for our bus to mahkota parade. the fare from jonker to mahkota was RM1.00. not that far pon. boleh jalan je kaki ke sana. once we arrived there, we take time to look around mahkota and shop a bit. we then had our early dinner at mahkota food court. i choose hainan chicken rice with honey green tea. it cost me rm6.70. we then go to the pahlawan square. mini times square i must say. hahaha. heaven for women. i manage to got myself vintage long sleeve shirt from mini closet. it cost me about rm25.
right after the mini shopping, we head back to the jiong. not so lucky, we didnt get any bus. so we decided to just walked there. and lucky us. the location between both place not so far.
that night, since we are hungry again, we decided to eat. went to jonker but then all the store was closed. sad us was sad. so, we decided to eat around mahkota since sana banyak kedai makan halal. nk tunggu bus mustahil. jadi we took taxi. it cost us rm10.00 for 3 person. arrived there, we tried our luck to medan makanan tradisional infront of the taming sari since dah pukul 10. not so lucky. kedai dah tutup. jadi, sebab lapaq sgt, we enter wong solo and eat there. i'm not exactly ayam oenyet lover since the one i first tried at alamanda putrajaya seriously x sedap. so, ragu2 nak makan lagi. but then, to my suprised, the nasi ayam penyet was sooo suit my taste. spicy and got extra side dish. since  my mom is a Javanese, so im used to spicy and tempe. *angkat2 kening* . for the late dinner at Wong solo, it cost me RM11. i took set tho.

so jimat kan. after the dinner, we head back to our house since melaka no longer 'alive' after 11. so boring. haha. we took taxi back and it cost us rm15 for 3 person. harga beza dgn pergi sbb jalan sehala jadinya kene pusing jauh ckit. plus hantar sampai depan guesthouse. jadi selamat sgt. sampai bilik, semua pengsan2 ayam. sejukkan diri katanya. mandi lpstu trus tdo. end of Day 1.

the overall cost for Day1
bas transnasional RM18.30
bas panorama (Mlaka sentral-Jonker Street) RM1.50
the jiong guesthouse RM20.00/per person
lunch jonker 88 RM11
bas panorama (Jonker-mahkota parade) RM1.00
long sleeves shirt RM25
early dinner food courts mahkota parade RM6.70
taxi to mahkota parade RM10.00/3 person
late dinner at Wong Solo RM11
Taxi to Jiong house back RM15/3 person
total = RM110.30


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